Signs and Symptoms of STROKE
Each part of the brain is in charge of controlling a different part of the body, so the symptoms of a stroke depend on the part of the brain that is affected and the extent of the damage. That is why, the symptoms of a stroke can vary in each sufferer. However, usually a stroke occurs suddenly. At least, there are three main symptoms of stroke that are easy to recognize, namely:
One side of the face will look lower and the sufferer is unable to smile because the mouth or eyes look drooping.
Patients are unable to lift one arm because they feel weak or numb. Not only the arms, the legs that are on the same side as the arms also experience weakness.
Speech becomes slurred, garbled, or even unable to speak at all even though the sufferer looks conscious.
Meanwhile, other symptoms and signs of stroke are:
~ Nausea and vomiting.
~ Severe headache that comes on suddenly, accompanied by stiffness in the neck and dizziness like spinning (vertigo).
~Have decreased consciousness.
~ Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) resulting in choking.
~ Have problems with balance and coordination.
~ Experiencing sudden loss of vision or double vision.